Zoom Knob says: Camera Adapter Camera Chip Size Auxiliary Lens Full Screen or Capture Window Diagonal Size On Screen Magnification

The formula used for calculating the on-screen magnification is:

On Screen Magnification = Zoom Knob value * Camera adapter lens magnification * Auxiliary lens magnification * (Full Screen or Capture Window Diagonal Size / Camera Chip Size)

Note: Not all combinations are possible. Not all combinations render acceptable image resolution.
Check the numbers on your zoom knob and the list of auxiliary lens that are made for your model scope.

Note: Use of this calculator is meant for approximations and to evaluate changes in the setup, i.e. how much more mag
can I get with a bigger monitor, etc.. To calculate true magnification, one would measure the lines of a stage micrometer
at the magnified output and apply the formula:

T = 1000 * L / V    where

T = True magnification, e.g. in a print publication
L = Length of a given number of micrometer lines on the screen or capture window in mm (as measured by a ruler)
V = Value of micrometer reading in micrometers for that number of lines

So if you were using our MA285 stage micrometer, which has 100 graduations each 10 micrometers and you chose to measure 10 graduations, L would be the length of those 10 graduations in mm as measured by putting the ruler up to the screen and V would be 100 micrometers.

Note: Meiji does not recommend using 1/4" chip cameras for microscopy.

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